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What does ‘Mother Divine’ mean?

In the Vedic tradition of India, “Mother Divine” refers to the universal, all-nourishing qualities of nature—bliss, intelligence, creativity, and peace. These treasured qualities are fundamental to progress in life and exist within everyone. Every aspect of the Mother Divine Program is designed to unfold these qualities within every woman.


What is New Mother Divine?

New Mother Divine aims to share the benefits of the Mother Divine Program with a new generation of young ladies who are committed to their highest evolution and spiritual development.

Our goal is to establish large professional coherence creating communities of ladies on every continent that can live an ideal lifestyle and radiate the full value of life, culminating peace, positivity and harmony for the individual and society. The Mother Divine Program enables every women to truly know herself to harness one's full creative potential, inner strength and power.

What is the Mother Divine Program like?


The Mother Divine Program offers a restful daily balanced routine which includes extended group practice of Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Program, Yoga Asanas, productive activity, knowledge, cultural experiences and celebrations.

Healthy, organic, vegetarian food and picturesque locations naturally enhance the focus on developing higher states of consciousness.

Research shows that the development of higher states of consciousness requires the systematic refinement of the nervous system. The specific daily routine, set in a nourishing, supportive and stress-free environment, cultures the nervous system for higher states of consciousness, dissolving deep-rooted stresses and revealing more profound, clear experiences of the Self.