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Our locations offer accommodations built in accordance with Maharishi Vastu® architecture, which brings an auspicious influence (better health, wealth and happiness as well as greater attunement with Natural Law), to those who reside in the buildings. The enhanced influence of Maharishi Vastu Architecture ensures that a building or community will have only nourishing influences on its occupants. To read more about this ancient knowledge of Vedic Architecture, please visit


Chanthaburi, Thailand

Our facility, located on 110 acres of lush tropical land, has been the permanent home of the Asian Mother Divine group since 2008. The International Capital in Chanthaburi Thailand is also the home of the International Transcendental Meditation Teacher training courses, World Peace Assemblies and advanced courses. Nestled in natural surroundings, it radiates a deeply silent atmosphere.

Enjoy the gentle sweetness and purity of Thai culture along with morning walks in the fruit orchard, or a refreshing swim in our new swimming pool facility.
— Mother Divine - Chanthaburi, Thailand

Himalayas, India

New facility opening 2024

Mother Divine’s brand new Himalayan Heaven stands proudly amongst the sacred Himalayan mountains of North India. Here you can sink into the deeply spiritual atmosphere sought by seekers of enlightenment for millennia. In Maharishi’s own words….

It's a very fortunate thing to be going to the Himalayas from time to time. It's a different world. One can’t describe in words… Himalayas means Heaven.”

 Come luxuriate in the high level of comfort available in this beautiful home during your once-in-a-lifetime experience of the Mother Divine program
— Mother divine - Kanda, India

New Zealand