Posts tagged Mother Divine Program
— YT Mother Divine Program

The Mother Divine Program is the greatest gift and most precious program for ladies in the world. Every lady should without doubt take as much time as possible in their life to participate in the Mother Divine Program. This truly is  a once in a lifetime experience, which can set you up for life, and which every lady must directly experience for themselves. 

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— MK Mother Divine Program


While I was attending the Taste of Blissful Life course, I found that I have been growing and the direction that my life has been taking is right. That experience was very significant to me because that feeling of fulfillment was very different from what I had from my job and daily life before the course. Now I am on the MD program and I continue to enjoy and share the growth of my life with my fellow mates.

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— GC Mother Divine Program

I feel deeply honored to be part of the Mother Divine program and thank God every day for this blessed life. There is no greater fulfillment for me than knowing that by becoming the best I can be as an individual, I am contributing maximum to making the world a better place. Mother Divine is a group of like-minded single women representing various cultures, languages, religions, and social backgrounds. Our common goal to gain enlightenment unites us on a most profound level, creating a wholeness far greater than the sum of the parts. I can think of no place I’d rather be, no profession I’d rather do than to be part of this program. I feel eternally grateful to have found a life that has value and purpose, and I thank God every day that I am able to continue year after year. 

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